
Blair from JJ Evans Modeling

This gorgeous young lady comes to us from Deviant Art, where she has even more pics on the page of photographer JJ Evans. There's also more great nudes from this photographer at http://jjevans75modeling.blogspot.com/. Enjoy!



Welcome to Plus-Sized Pin-Ups, a blog from a man who was tired of having to sift through porn if he wanted to see tasteful, artistic BBW photos. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate filth-flarn-filth as much as the next guy, but sometimes, I just want to appreciate women with curves, not objectify them.

As it says in the description, there may be some nude images posted here, but they won't cross the line into smut. My goal is to show big women in the light they deserve - sexy, strong, attractive, and dignified.

If you are or know of a plus-sized woman who would like to submit pictures for posting, hit the email. I'm working on getting some original content very soon, but in the meantime, enjoy some pics of a few of my favorite BBW models. These are all images scoured from the web, so hopefully I can post them here without getting sued.

Mia Amber Davis - Her role in "Road Trip" (big girl who breaks in skinny ass DJ Qualls) could be considered less than flattering, but I know several men who would wish their first time was with a woman this beautiul.

Toccara Jones - Ghetto as she wanna be, but gotdamn, she fine. I'm not as much of a fan of the new slimmed-down version, but I still wouldn't turn her away if she holla'd (well, if I was single, anyway).